Yesterday, on our way home from school, Peyton said, "Momma, I'm getting bigger." I asked her, "How are you getting bigger?" Peyton said, "Momma, I'm just doing it." So cute. She says a lot of cute things. Sunday morning she woke up and said, "I'm very hungry. I want pudding. Pudding sounds great!" My favorite is when we are leaving her and she'll yell, "hug and kiss, hug and kiss." I also LOVE when she is hugging me and says, "I love you so much." She's such a sweet girl. But of course there are things I don't love as much. One of my most loathed phrases is,"not fair mommy!" Yuck! I hate it when she says this. I feel like I have a glimpse into her teen years. I'm already looking into boarding schools! When she gets in trouble her voice gets very serious and has a tinge of a Chinese accent. She'll ask, "Why I trouble?" and put her hands out. If I'm fussing at her she'll use that same funny voice and ask,"Why you talk this way?" It's hard to stay serious because she's so goofy! She is still doing well after yesterdays car accident, but her story has changed a bit. Now it ends with a monster(tow truck) taking daddy's car!