Our first case of bullying and peer pressure occurred this week at school. This past weekend I had a discussion with Peyton about her birthday. She has decided on a Halloween themed costume party. She is super excited. Apparently she brought that excitement with her to school on Monday.
Peyton asked a child, we'll call her Jane, in her classroom if she wanted to come to her birthday party. Jane said "no!" Well, Peyton was very hurt by this. More hurt than I realized. She told me about 'Jane' saying "no!" after we arrived home from school. I tried not to make it a big deal so maybe Peyton would lose focus on it. I simply told her that her friends from school were not coming to her party because we were not inviting them. I also explained that it was going to be a smaller party, and that her entire class coming would be too many people. Of course she didn't hear the last part.
Well, the next day, Tuesday, she had a note after school that simply said, "Peyton was mean to her friends today and followed others bad decisions" Kris picked her up so I was unable to ask questions to the teacher. So, yesterday I told Ms. Katie-the teacher-about Monday and how Peyton was upset because of 'Jane' refusing Peyton's birthday invite. Ms. Katie said "it all makes sense now." Katie told me Peyton had walked up to her classmates on Tuesday and said,with arms crossed, "I am having a birthday party and YOU can't come!" Apparently that is all she remembered from our conversation. Then she continued her bad mood for the rest of the day.
I thought it was funny that she stood up for herself with 'Jane' but sad that it bothered her so much. She is back to her regular self, the sweet one! It just took a little self esteem building from me and Kris.
It seems too early for mean kids at school...
It's been too long!
8 years ago
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