Sep 24, 2010

Sorry I've been slacking!

SO, it has been such a long time since I have made a post. I will try to come up with a couple of stories.

Peyton attends a Christian school and this week was Spirit week. Each day the kids could dress in theme, Superhero day, Farmer day, etc. Well, wednesday was "wear your Sunday Best day." I made the mistake of paraphrasing this into, "dress up day" which means something very different to a pre-schooler. Peyton emerged from her room with a ski mask on her face, mickey mouse ears, bracelets up both arms, a very shiny necklace, and a tutu.

After arriving to school one morning she told my Dad, who takes her to school, "Pa I'm hungry." My dad: "It's almost snack time in your classroom." Peyton: "They don't have what I want. I want a porkchop."

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